Sunday, December 11, 2011

Time to Start Doing Things.

I feel so lame sometimes! I used to think I was this fun, creative person ... tennis, music, dance, art ... but somewhere along the line that must have worn off. Ha! I've come to realize that all I do is work, sleep, and watch Netflix. Essentially. Damn you, Netflix. I started off 2011 with sort of a journal of sorts. I realized at that point that I felt like my life was flying by ... and since I usually can't even remember what I had for breakfast, I should start jotting things down so I don't get to my 80th birthday and realize that I can't remember a single stinkin thing about my wonderful life (including what I had for breakfast on the last day I was still 79). Time for a change, I thought! I bet you can guess how long that lasted. (Well ... about as long as 99% of ALL New Years Resolutions ... so, until January 2nd.) So that's one thing to feel lame about. Today, the reasons to feel lame were piling up in my brain, for some reason. I should workout - I never do. I should read the good book (and/or ANY book) - I hardly ever do. I should keep the apartment more tidy, I should eat more healthy, I should organize my pathetic desk at work, and the list goes on. So why is it that I feel as though I am the only person in the world with so many "I should"s on their life list?? [I know I'm not.] Discipline is a sneaky thing. It seems like it should be so easy: I should do __________. So just do it! And repeat. There; discipline accomplished. Ta daaa! However I find that I never typically bring myself to actually DO what should be done. Because there's other, more fun things to do instead. Like watch Netflix. (Damn you, Netflix!!) Urg. I want to feel better about this. I want to do the things that I should do, as well as the things I want to do. Apparently it's difficult to strike that balance. I guess all I can do is try!


  1. Damn Netflix, for sure! I put our account on hold until February because it consumes way too much of my time!!! (I did this AFTER I was all caught up on HIMYM ;)

    But I don't know what the answer to getting finding strong motivation because I am definitely a type B personality!!! Which I hate!

  2. LOL - catching up on HIMYM is definitely a priority. :D I hear ya, girl!! I think I must be a B, too.

  3. Remove the word "should" from your vocabulary. All it does is make you feel guilty and inadequate.
