Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Holy Judgement, Batman! No More Forums For Me.

In this new fangled space age we live in, with all the blogs and pics and twits and facepalms, I are really behind the times, having just started this stupid blog a few months ago. (Poor thing, it really has been neglected. Good thing I'm back ;) So the other night I decided I would really take the plunge into the 21st century and I posted to a forum. WHOA! Craziness, I know! I was feeling a little down and out about some stuff so I decided I would write a post on a newlywed-specific section of this one website I enjoy. I was just looking to get a little something off my chest (nothing big or dramatic, just little struggles of my own) and to hear from other people who maybe deal with the same stuff. I was looking for suggestions on how to deal, a little pat on the back, maybe even a little "hey, it's ok, I totally know what you mean." Well I got one part of that wish right - MEAN. Good gravy, the very first was response was some lovely (we'll just leave it at that, shall we?) reiterating to me everything I said that was wrong and stupid and how I have "major insecurities" and need to "do some serious growing up." Excuse me, ma'am? Ma'am, who doesn't know 2 things about me (except for the 2 things I divulged on my post), has never met me and will probably never meet me? I got a little self-righteous at this point. I think I am pretty damned grown up - married my longtime love at age 22, bought my first house at 23, bachelor's degree, steady job of 5 years, etc. etc. Yep - that sounds like a child to me. Ack! I deleted my post and all the replies immediately. I don't need that shit from a stranger! I should have just opened up to the people who actually give a crap about me instead of counting on strangers to give me encouragement. Alas, I did get a couple of decently constructive replies, including one that was actually kind and encouraging. So that was nice. But I can't do it! Don't have the stomach for it. Not until they figure out how to punch someone in the face through the interwebs, at least. Maybe then I'll come back swingin. Oy!