Monday, March 26, 2012

We are Almost Homeowners!!

Now that we are officially 6 days away from our first home, I've decided to compile a list of what I'm looking forward to, so that when they start happening I can fully appreciate each and every thing :)

-Storage space!!!
-A basement, complete with a laundry area! No more folding, sorting and ironing in the living/dining room. Yes!
-Light fixtures!
-More than 2 closets. Are you ready for this? FOUR. Four closets.Woah baby, we're in the big leagues now!
-Two stories, complete with one beautiful staircase. For some reason, ever since I was a kid I have always wanted a 2 story house.
-Color on the walls. Oh, hallelujah - what a difference some paint makes :)
-A garden ... our red and yellow tulips practically sing "welcome home!"
-Counter space in the kitchen. Oh my, how I love counter space.
-A backyard! Not to mention, attaching the pooch to a lead and letting him explore and do his business without me having to be attached to him.
-A garage ... even if it is only 1 car, it's better than what we've got now!
-Our patio. Cannot wait to buy patio furniture and eat dinner out there with the hubby when the weather gets super nice.

And finally, waking up everyday in my dream first-home with the love of my life and our adorable pooch. Life is SO good. :)